
Monday, January 31, 2011

The Winnah!

Pardon my dropping off the face of the earth (but clearly I had time to Facebook). I had a big deadline last Friday. I did meet it. Or so I thought. This morning I realized I had completely forgotten to write one article. Whoops. It's finished now.

Anyway, the winner of the Healthy Habits Challenge is....Anne K. who logged every single day and is doing P90X. Runner up is Erin M. who is doing TurboFire! Way to go, you two!

Ladies, I'll be in touch to talk about your prizes.

As for me, I have been great with my workouts and marginal on my eating. I had some sort of salty meltdown today. I still came in under my calorie total, but one of my big weaknesses is tortilla chips and I found a bag in the cupboard--I had forgotten about it--and I gobbled down a serving and a half before I reined it back.

I also ate cheese and chocolate today.

Breakfast: Chocolate Shakeology, almond milk
Snack: apple, 1 oz. brie (that was the last of it, so that's good news)
Lunch: Amy's Mattar Paneer, cucumber (we're low on veggies. I grabbed a cuke and gnawed on it.), 1 oz. dark chocolate.
Snack: 2 Tbls. pumpkin seeds, 1.5 servings of tortilla chips
Dinner: 4.5 oz. of Cooking Light's smoked mustard dill salmon, roasted red potatoes, salad w/greens, tomato, cukes (not the one I gnawed on), yellow pepper, blue cheese, lemon juice, Bragg's.

Total: 1549

I'll just end up with my 500 calorie deficit today!

OK, great job for all of you who tried the challenge. My point was to just hopefully get you into a routine after the holidays! I know I'm back in the groove, so I hope you are, too.

I'm going to keep posting here because it helps my accountability immensely. Feel free to do the same.


  1. Thanks for doing the challenge, Nat! It was a great encouragement and a lot of fun. It got me back in the groove, too. Talk to you soon!
    Congrats, Anne!

  2. Thanks for doing the challenge, Natalie, it was fun! I'm consulting with Kevin on prizes...excited to have new workout toys! And, congrats to you, too, Erin!

  3. Just checking in to see what was up with you...and to say I should probably continue to log my food and workouts in! I've noticed a significant drop in my good eating habits since the challenge ended!
