
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'll Have a Dry, Salty Cracker

Does anyone remember the 7Up commercials from ages ago. At least I think it was 7Up. Maybe it was Sprite. Anyway, some guy is floating on the ocean after a shipwreck. His lips are all dry and cracked. He's obviously thirsty. He's rescued. And he asks for...a dry, salty cracker. He eats it and then quenches his thirst with a 7Up. Or a Sprite. Some clear, carbonated beverage.

My point here is that I probably walk around like that a lot of the time.

Why? I forget to drink water. I'm good about a lot of healthy living things--exercise, eating. One of my biggest faults is that I don't drink enough water. I don't know if it's a habit that I just need to get into or what. I don't feel like I'm dehydrated all the time or anything, but there are points in the day where I think, "I haven't had water in hours."

I've heard so many things about water. Drink when you're thirsty. Drink 64 oz. of water a day. Drink 96 oz. of water a day. Mostly I hear the 64 oz. number. And because I experimented with the 96 oz. number once and nearly floated away, the 64 oz. is probably more realistic. In fact, yesterday, I did a little experiment. I measured out 64 oz. and put it in a pitcher to see how I would do. I drank about 3/4 of it, but I had to consciously make an effort to keep making myself drink.

Anyway, water is one of the things I need to work on.

Challenge Info
More people are joining the challenge. Sweet!

Kristen had a good challenge question. She wondered if you need to go to the specific post each day and post your results that day's comment section. The answer is no: you can put three days in one comment if you like. Just put the date and then your food/exercise after. Let's keep it as easy as possible.

My Accountability Today:
Workout: Rest day! Ahhhhh! Good thing, because my rear end is a little sore. I did work on the mountain today and had to run up and down the stairs multiple times and then chase some guy down. I also walked to a friend's house to pick something up so even though it was a rest day, I'll hit my calorie burn goal. Love that.

Breakfast: Two eggs, gluten free toast

Snack: Trio bar

Lunch: Miso soup, salad with tomato, cucumber, feta, red onion, fake crabmeat, lemon juice, Bragg's

Snack: .....crickets...If I ate it, I don't remember it....

Dinner: Leftover chicken and sweet potatoes

I haven't input the food to get my totals. It's the nature of Wednesdays and may be the trend.

OK, keep it up everyone!


  1. 1/5/11


    Kashi Heart to Heart Honey Toasted Oat Cereal, 0.75 cup

    Cafe Mocha, Kcup, 2 serving


    Weight Watchers Smart Ones Creamy Rigatoni w/ Chicken & Broccoli, 1 serving


    Weight Watchers Smart Ones Four Cheese Pizza, 1 serving
    Eggs, scrambled, 3 serving


    Weight Watchers Smart Ones Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Sundae, 1 serving


    25 minute Metro loop walk
    15 minutes Wii Fit Hula Hoop!

  2. Thursday, 1/6/11
    Bfast: 1.5 c. cereal, 1 TBSP peanut butter
    Snack: Zone bar, Coke Zero
    Lunch: leftover chipotle, brownie bite
    Snack: 1 c. cereal, diet hot choc
    Dinner: chicken, sweet potato
    TOTAL CAL: 1590
    EXERCISE: P90X legs/arms (oooohhh, it hurts so good!)
    TOMORROW'S GOAL: Put something that grows in the ground or on a tree in my body instead of processed nonsense
