
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Whoever Michi is, he's rolling over in his grave

Today was so far off the top two tiers of Michi's ladder, it isn't even funny. I was fine for total calories, but here's the deal.

Last February 10, a cow was butchered in our name. Well, in several people's names actually, but we got a 1/4 of it. And I know it was Feb. 10 because it's stamped on all of the packages of meat in the freezer. It feels overly personal when you know when your cow was killed, just in case you were wondering.

Anyway, we are down to the last few pounds of beef left in the freezer and so a few weeks ago, I commited to buy another 1/4 cow. Last night, the farmer called and said the new 1/4 beef will be here in two weeks.

Houston, we have a freezer problem.

Cow #1 is still partially in there. A few weeks ago, I hit the day old bread sale at the grocery and my freezer has a lot of bread in there. And then I accidentally bought some duplicate items at Costco. The sum of all of these things means my freezer is full and I have a limited amount of time to get it mostly empty or else.

Hence: Beef, it's what's for dinner. I made Eamonn and the boys minute steaks. I myself ate liver. I know, I know. It's all so Hannibal Lechter, isn't it? I did not eat fava beans, however.

Anyway, this may be the trend for a bit while we eat through the freezer.

With that said, I'm also planning a green smoothie cleanse starting Monday. Maybe earlier if I can get to the store and get some greens other than the limp spinach currently hanging out in my fridge.

That will be an interesting experiment and I promise to give you all the gory details. You know how I love all of the experimental eating stuff.

Today's workout: Rest day, ahhhhh

Breakfast: 2 clementines, 3/4 cup Nature's Path hemp granola, almond milk
Snack: Cocoa cassava bar; apple
Lunch: Potato leek soup, flax crackers, chopped veggie salad with too many olives
Dinner: Liver, onions, mushrooms, mashed potatoes
Snack: Banana

Total calories: 1553

Burned: 1952 with 40 minutes to go. I won't hit 2400, obviously, but I will have a 500 calorie deficit.

Running to bed. I'm sure that counts for something.

1 comment:

  1. Wednesday's info-
    rest day
    breakfast-green smoothie
    lunch-veggie bean salad (really the recipe in Fitness magazine...will share if you would like)
    snack-green tea, sweet potato chips, ginger snaps
    dinner-ginger pork stir fry with broccoli and cauliflower
    snack-3 squares dark chocolate and a few chips with Dave
    My eating habits go downhill on rest days!
