
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spa Night

I just got back from a hockey moms' spa night. I had originally intended that today would be my cheat day, but I have to say that I ate well all day and kept myself in check at spa night. It didn't hurt that everyone brought healthy snacks--hummus, cheese, fruit, etc. I did drink a glass of wine.

In anticipation, I did two workouts:

Workout 1: HIIT 15, Tone 30
Workout 2: 45 minutes on the elliptical watching cheesey woman TV. It was divine.

So, hockey moms' spa night...I hope we do it again. The spa was open just for us. We were there for 3 hours, which I originally thought was a ridiculously long amount of time, but when I looked at the clock and saw it was 8:55pm, I wasn't ready to leave. For $50, you get two spa services--one big one like a facial, massage or pedicure, and one small one like a paraffin dip on your hands, lash tint, brow wax, etc. The person who organizes the party (ME!) gets their service free. I had an awesome massage.

Now, I'm going to bed.


  1. Sounds like a great time! Wish I was a hockey mom, too (at least for that day)...
    Thursday info
    snack-banana half and kiwi
    workout-HIIT 25, Tone 30
    breakfast-spinach potato scramble
    lunch-turkey roll ups, oranges and a few cheezits
    snack-one dark chocolate
    snack-hummus and crackers
    dinner-steak, roasted potatoes and onions, green beans, fruit salad and one piece of chocolate cake (for Dave's birthday)

  2. That does sound like fun...especially the free treatment part!
    Thursday info:
    1 c cereal
    1/4 c. soy energy mix
    sandwich thin with pb
    cheese quesadilla with guac (homemade)
    1 oz dark choc
    cheese quesadilla with guac again!
    1 oz dark choc again
    workout: kenpo x

    1 c. cereal
    banana with pb
    chicken/rice/grilled peppers and onions/tomatoes/little cheese/guac (I was trying to duplicate chipotle)
    homemade pizza

    I struggled thurs and fri. I can't seem to get motivated to exercise or eat my fruits/veggies, although I am still coming in at 1400 cals/day. It's been raining and cold here and I'm just dragging. I'm hoping Saturday is better!

  3. Friday's info-
    snack-kiwi, half a banana
    workout-Fire 55 EZ, Abs 10, Stretch 10 and 2 hours of skiing!
    breakfast-toast with a jelly/cottage cheese/walnut spread...sounds disgusting but was pretty tasty
    lunch-tomato soup, cheese quesadilla, fruit salad, dark chocolate
    snack-multi grain chips
    dinner-leftover stir fry, carrots
    I need to work on getting in more veggies!

  4. Saturday's info-
    snack-banana w/almond butter
    workouts-HIIT 25, Sculpt 30, Core 20
    breakfast-banana walnut pancakes, hard boiled egg
    lunch-smoked salmon roll up with spinach, half an apple, dark chocolate
    snack-cherry Lara bar
    dinner-chicken curry soup, few pieces of calamari, 1 coconut shrimp, oriental ahi tuna salad (we were treated out to dinner at a local country club)
    snack upon returning home from local country club-almond milk and ginger snaps
