
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pseudo Rest Week

Well, this week has sort of turned into a partial rest week. I never planned it that way, but I'm feeling like my body is sending me a message. I set my alarm and when it went off this morning, I just didn't have it in me to get up. Time change? PMS? What is it? Did you read that on Saturday, the moon will be at its closest point to the Earth for 2011? Is it that?

I hate it when I get off schedule with a workout program though.

I've been pondering what I'll do, because let's face it, we're going away for nearly 3 weeks on vacation in April/May and I will not be taking Chalene with me. Sorry, girlfriend! I'll just push all of the remaining workouts back on my WOWY calendar and pick up where I left off when I get home.

I think I also need to count today as a cheat day--the horror! Just kidding. There is no horror in a cheat day. I've had conversations with both Anne and Erin about how when we have a rest day, everything sort of falls flat, especially eating. And that pretty much describes today.

I didn't exercise, didn't eat well. I feel pretty gross. Good motivation for getting back on track tomorrow.

And with that, I'm going to bed at 9:05pm.

"Well I went to bed at seven thirty last night. I haven't done that since third grade." Name that movie.

You can ponder that while I sleep.


  1. I think it's hard to get back in the swing of things after a cheat day. It's like you lose momentum.

  2. That movie quote was from "You've Got Mail" if I'm not mistaken.

    I haven't commented in a few days because we are all sick. S.I.C.K. and sick of being sick. Dave and Eric are the only healthy ones right now. So I've had an unexpected rest week, too.

