
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Post Vacation Withdrawl

I'm back. Clearly, I was gone, but as I said on my other blog, I'm becoming a little more cautious about saying on the Internet that our house is empty and all burglars in a 50 mile radius should try to break in and steal our 20 year TV or one of our cars with 200,000 miles it. They'd come flocking, I just know it.

Anyway, it's that horrid first day after vacation. You know, that one where you wonder if you even dare to get on the scale. Because let me tell you, people, although I only ate fish and chips once on this trip, I was a chocolate and ice cream eating machine. I ate one or the other, and sometimes both, every single day.

No lie.

It was gross. And good.

AND I ate a full English breakfast at least five times. Possibly more. What is a full English, you ask? It usually includes 2 eggs cooked how you like, 2 pieces of bacon (back bacon, mmmmm), 2 sausages, toast. That's the minimum. Depending on what part of the country you're in, you might also get a grilled tomato, baked beans, grilled mushrooms and fried bread.

You can go all day on that.

Not that I tried it. I never missed a meal. It's just not in my nature.

So combine the excessive eating and total lack of exercise and I was a little worried. Seriously, people, I haven't worked out since the Saturday before we left. That was April 9 to be exact. I'm dreading re-entry.

This morning, I looked at the scale. It looked at me. Did I dare get on it or was that just asking for a reason to feel suicidal all day?

I got on.


I had not gained a single pound. WTF? Why can't I be like that in real life?

Here are my thoughts though as I ponder this happy freak occurance.

First, although I wasn't exercising, I also was rarely sitting down. At home, I'm sitting on my rear working all day. On the trip, I was sitting in the car, but once we got to our destination, I was walking. Just on the go all the time.

Second, we rarely ate out for lunch. We usually picked up sandwiches and fruit (and chips!!) at a grocery store. This made for lighter eating. And I rarely got myself a bag of chips. I just mooched off everyone else, likely totalling the amount of a full bag of chips. But whatever.

Third, I took my Shakeology with me. I drank it about half of the time in the mornings that we are at Eamonn's sister's. When we were on the road and staying at hotels, I didn't drink it, but maybe that helped?

At any rate, I used this morning's success to binge on tortilla chips today.

My plan. Get back to clean eating. Start some light workouts this week and then get back on my TurboFire routine starting Sunday.

It's going to be painful. I feel nervous.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't gain a pound?!! That's awesome! BTW, have you read "Women, Food & God?" Just curious, picked it up last night.
