
Sunday, April 1, 2012


After about two months of not feeling that great, between the candida cleanse and being sick, I feel like I can finally say that I am back at 100%. Or as close as I'm ever going to get.

Work is settling down for the next month or so and I'm going to use this opportunity to do what I said in my last post and add some extra workouts in to really push myself towards my goal of getting rid of the last 5 pounds I put on when I had to take my big workout break post surgery and then also do some toning before baring my legs. Although the baring the legs is going to happen much sooner this year. We are having such an early spring here so I don't have much time.

Quick question: have you noticed as spring has approached, that you are craving different foods? I definitely have. All winter I've struggled to consume leafy greens. Give me a potato any day! My next post is going to be about eating raw and eating seasonally and why it's important.

Just wanted to touch base and let you know I didn't forget about you, I was just wrapping up a big work project. Now I'm back in the swing, so stay tuned.

And I did start a Shakeology cleanse today to really reset my brain and get myself ready for spring!

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